søndag 12. desember 2010

Crossing the Continent to the Far East (11-12 Dec. 2010)

And so after months of pretty much on and off planning, me and my sister Annette finally take off for our journey to the far east. Our first destination is Tokyo, Japan. 
So far just travelling from Gardemoen airport has been interesting.  I’ve noticed people are really fascinated that I am travelling to Japan. I’ve been to many countries, but have rarely noticed so much enthusiasm from the check-in guy, air hostess, etc. We will be travelling for 15 hours. I thought that was long until I met an old man who was going to be travelling for 24 hours. And he was only travelling to Thailand!
Thanks Goran for the bag. I managed to take your bag and the camera bag I bought. I look probably a bit overkill in the picture, but surprisingly the total weight is just under 20 kg. Thanks Koji for all the help. We were a bit tired, so we didn’t book all the train trips at the airport. However we will do that in Tokyo.

Fact of the day: According to our Japan Rail Pass, we are in the year 22.

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